Rabbit Lake
2011 - 2014
©Permission Granted Cameco Corp Copyright Files
The Rabbit Lake Operation was contemplated, in the past, for expansion of the site’s tailings capacity, as well as refurbishment of milling infrastructure for toll milling of uranium ores. [1] As a Cameco employee, James lead various projects as a Program Manager that considered toll milling at this facility, expanding the tailings facilities and upgrading the mill. The icons on the right represent only areas that James or team studied during the 2011 to 2014 period with respect to new ore sources and their impact on existing or new facilities. Many other programs at the site were happening at the same time, lead either by operations and Cameco’s major project group.
[1] Cameco: Rabbit Lake Tailings North Pit Expansion Project, dated June 2011 source: https://www.cameconorth.com, downloaded September 2020.
Joint Venture Strategy
Innovative Tailings
Value Engineering and Project De-Risking
Project Execution and Finances

To support the study of various toll milling scenarios brownfield expansion and refurbishment studies were completed at the PFS and FS level.
Brownfields Projects
Both McArthur River mine and Key Lake mill expansions were substantially completed by Major Projects and site teams at McArthur River Mine and Key Lake Mill [2].
Project was awarded the Hatch-CIM Mining & Minerals Project Development Safety Award, May 2016 for the McArthur River substation, power distribution and back-up generation project.
[2] “McArthur River Operation, Northern Saskatchewan, Canada”, dated March 29, 2019, with an effective date of December 31, 2018
Life of Asset update
Overall Project Objectives Met

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